限时活动已开启!火币HTX 发起完成C2C任务,即可解锁价值高达10,000美元的数字货币盲盒

For those intrigued by digital assets, especially newcomers embarking on their cryptocurrency journey, your primary choice for P2P deposits should be HTX, a trusted and well-established cryptocurrency trading platform. Currently, HTX is rolling out a limited-time P2P promotion, offering an exciting opportunity for cryptocurrency users worldwide to engage and experience its variety of benefits. According to the exchange’s official announcement, HTX P2P has introduced a time-limited promotion, “Complete P2P Tasks and Unlock Crypto Mystery Boxes”. The event began on October 25 at 00:00 AM UTC and will continue until November 15 at 00:00 UTC, allowing participants to unlock Crypto Mystery Boxes potentially worth up to $10,000 by completing designated P2P tasks. The event is live! Join now to win Crypto Mystery Boxes, available for a limited time. The Unlock Crypto Mystery Boxes promotion is in full swing. The detailed rules for the event are listed below: Task 1: Earn a Crypto Mystery Box worth up to 100 USDT by reaching a cumulative P2P deposit volume of ≥100 USDT. Task 2: Earn a Crypto Mystery Box worth up to 1,000 USDT by reaching a cumulative P2P deposit volume of ≥800 USDT. Task 3: Earn a Crypto Mystery Box worth up to 500 USDT by completing the first P2P deposit with an amount of ≥ 200 USDT during the event period. Task 4: Earn a Crypto Mystery Box worth up to 100 USDT by joining the HTX Telegram group. Participants are required to complete level 3 KYC verification to claim the Crypto Mystery Box. By completing any designated P2P task on the event page, participants will receive a Crypto Mystery Box. Each Crypto Mystery Box holds a value of up to 1,000 USDT. For both Task 1 and Task 2, transaction amounts are calculated between 00:00 and 24:00 UTC, and they can […]

当下的加密市场,正处于一个非常关键的历史时刻。随着对比特币现货 ETF 是否会顺利通过的猜测,市场情绪正在回暖:近期比特币一度强势突破 3.5 万美元,涨幅达16.73%。 牛市在即,加密市场持续出圈,吸引着全球用户的涌入。只要是对数字资产感兴趣的用户 ,尤其是第一次接触数字资产的新手小白用户,C2C入金可以首选有口碑的老牌加密资产交易平台火币HTX,近期火币HTX还有限时C2C活动,等待全球加密用户的体验。

据火币HTX官方信息,火币HTX C2C业务发起了 限时赠送数字货币盲盒活动自10月25日8:00至11月15日8:00(UTC+8),在活动期间,只要完成简单的C2C相关任务即可解锁价值高达10,000美元的数字货币盲盒。


本次火币HTX 平台C2C页面的赠送数字货币盲盒活动已经开始,具体活动规则如下:

任务一:C2C入金累计≥100USDT可获得价值最高 100 USDT的盲盒;

任务二:C2C入金累计≥800USDT可获得价值最高 1,000 USDT的盲盒;

任务三:活动期间首笔C2C入金≥200USDT可获得价值最高 500 USDT的盲盒;

任务四:加入火币Telegram社群可获得价值最高 100 USDT的盲盒。




火币 HTX 作为老牌加密资产交易平台,十年资产安全零事故,技术过硬,且定期公示储备资产证明,具体储备金率均保持在 100% 以上的超额水平,值得用户信赖;操作也足够便捷流畅,经得起时间和用户的检验,是新手小白接触加密世界的不二之选。

近日,火币HTX荣获加密顶级峰会Blockchain Life 2023“年度加密货币交易所奖”第一名,火币HTX全球顾问委员会成员、波场TRON创始人孙宇晨斩获“年度加密人物”殊荣。自今年9月完成品牌升级后,火币HTX再次亮相国际加密盛会并获得重要行业奖项,凸显其在全球加密市场的竞争地位日益稳固,并致力于推动加密全球发展和应用的巨头风范。

相信下一个十年,火币 HTX 将继续打造涵盖现货、衍生品、理财、资管等在内的一站式加密资产交易服务平台,真正成为值得全球用户信赖的Web3.0金融自由港。

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